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Ronadine Coronado lived a life of travel before she decided to attend Camosun College in 2017. She pursued her ambitions to build her knowledge in regards to the digital world. She completed Digital Production, Writing and Design in 2018. She is now enrolled in Digital Communications at Camosun College to achieve a Diploma in Arts and Sciences Studies. Her objective is to transfer into Royal Roads University to complete the Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication. While she is on her way to achieve her goal, she is following her passion as a full-time school photographer with Edge Imaging.

Social Media and Transmission

Social media is omnipresent and has expanded more than ever, challenging the many forms of traditional mass media and in-person communication. Large and successful institutions, such as a Facebook and Google, are benefitting from today’s active social media consumers and creators, proving to be in the lead in terms of all media outlets. The four arenas associated with the transmission model of communication are interesting to see, especially after the introduction of technology. It has developed from solely interpersonal and small group communication to mass media and social media communication within a few decades. Social media has the significant potential to reach larger audiences with the added benefit of creative feedback. However, there is always cause for concern when it comes to technology. With free-range access to digital media, anyone can post inaccurate content. What is there to believe on social media these days? What about the individuals who do not have access to social media? There will always be both negative and positive perceptions regarding technology. However, I believe that these thoughts and concerns are valid as it provides awareness and a more critical thought process on the topic.
